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My running story. Running adventure in Iten Kenya


Introducing myself

I’m Sibren Lochs, an elite runner from the Netherlands, now based in Iten, Kenya. I am preparing for my first marathon under 2:20 in Rotterdam (April 2024). From my 26th, I started focusing on running and went in 4 years from being a 'hobby' (ice) speed skater to a runner who runs 14:54 over the 5k and 1:06:42 over the half marathon. 


As most of you know, I also have a YouTube channel about running. I like to optimize my training and performance. Therefore, I need to keep expanding my knowledge in running and varying in my training schedule over the years. I use data and testing a lot during training and have used different training methods in the past. In my opinion, we are designed to run, only each body works differently and needs the proper build-up & strategy to reach our dream goals! 


Now, running has become my full-time occupation, and I want to use some of my spare time to help other runners achieve their goals!  With regular check-ins with me, I can help you improve your training and racing. You will feel confident with someone experienced in your corner. . . 



Complete the form down here

Let's continue or start your running journey with me! Complete the short form below

How to get started


Wait to be contacted

I’ll be in touch with you via email and/or text within the next 48 hours to setup a videocall.


We do an intake and get started

We discuss your next goals, lifestyle and form a training program program that suits your goals. 

How can I help you?

Thank you for completing the form.

I will contact you as soon as possible

The coaching program is full at the moment. Check again in a few weeks for new available spots!

With videocall intake

First month Free Trial! 

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